Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fish and chips, deconstructed!

Fish and chips are a staple during Lent.  But I avoid the traditional version.  I can no longer tolerate the taste of fried foods.  So now I either bake, sauté, or poach fish, and bake the fries.  The result is a light, tasty meal, without the fat!

This recipe is quick and easy to prepare.  It usually takes me less than an hour to bring it to the table!

Fish and chips
4 tilapia fillets
½ c. white wine
¼ c. lemon juice
2 TB. butter
4 cloves smashed garlic
1 tsp. dry parsley
½ tsp. crush red pepper flakes
Optional:  4 large broccoli florets
Olive oil
2 large red potatoes
½ tsp. Bouquet Garni  (parsley, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, savory, bay leaf)
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Line a baking sheet with foil and lightly dust with cooking spray.  Slice the red potatoes into chips approximately 1/8 inch thick.  Place in a bowl, and add enough olive oil to cover the chips.  Add the Bouquet Garni and toss well.  Pour the potatoes onto the cooking sheet and spread in one layer.  If desired, sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Bake for 30 minutes, or until the chips are golden brown.

In a large skillet, melt the butter.  Add the wine, lemon juice, garlic, parsley, and crushed red pepper flakes, and stir.  Let simmer about 10 minutes.  Taste, and add salt and pepper as desired. 

Gently place the fish in the pan and cover.  (If desired, add the broccoli around the fish.)  Saute the fish on each side for approximately four minutes, until the fish is white and flaky.  Remove from the heat, spoon the sauce over the fish and sprinkle lightly with parsley.  Serve with the broccoli and chips, and garnish with lemon slices.

Fish and chips, deconstructed
4 tilapia fillets
½ c. white wine
>Health alert:  White wine can be high in sugar.  If this is a dietary concern, it may be substituted with chicken stock or water.
>Ingredient alert:  The wine adds flavor to the sauté.  Eliminating it may require that more spices be added.
¼ c. lemon juice
2 TB. butter
>Fat  alert:  Butter is fat.  It may be substituted with olive oil or eliminated.
>Ingredient alert:  If the butter is eliminated from this recipe, it may be necessary to increase the salt to maintain a savory flavor.
4 cloves smashed garlic
1 tsp. dry parsley
½ tsp. crush red pepper flakes
Optional:  4 large broccoli florets
2 large red potatoes
>Health alert:  If dietary restrictions prevent the consumption of white  potatoes, they may be substituted with sweet potatoes or cauliflower slices.
½ tsp. Bouquet Garni  (parsley, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, savory, bay leaf)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

(Follow the instructions above.)

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